1 more dae...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 5:27 PM
wah siao, tmr goin' japan liao. and i noticed that we will be in japan for only 5 daes, minus the times we are in the plane and the couch.... Went for physiotheraphy last sat and went for follow up yesterday. Now my neck better liao. But must always do excercises.I'm afraid i might get homesick in Japan...But only bcos of the homestay., Other than that, damn fun...SIAN SIA
Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 4:39 AM
Wah liao, todae so bored loh, nothing to do. actually got things to do juz that i'm too lazy. and guess what, i juz sprain my neck :(... and i kept havin' diahhroea, woke up 2 times last nite. wah liao. pray that god would bless me, and that my neck will be alrite soon and i won't have to wake up to night.japan trip
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @ 4:05 AM
sry, haven't been blogging this few daes cuz i was kinda busy bcos of the japan trip. todae i was given the jacket, the kind that business man wear, the v.formal kind. so wat loh, i trid wearing a white blouse, a tie and that jacket so wat loh, 2bad i didn't take pic. then the dance steps... they were ok, juz that got one part a little bit confusing. i v.scared about the homestay loh. and luckily i not japanese. the culture damn lik hell one, so wat one lei. even the shoes muz face the other way. eating like punishment, girls must kneel down. and i hate the bathtub thingy that the whole family share the same water, so disgusting. and that cannot make that water dirty... i hope i won't go for the onesen thingy, search the net and u will definitely know y.its horrible. 9 more daes then goin' japan liao...wishing all p6's good luck as the release of PSLE results are tmr!!!phew
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 6:13 AM
Wah todae really busy. thanks i didn't really miss the japanese lesson. the pool in s'pore sports sch really cold, have to start immediately afteri jump into the pool, damn cold, 18 degree celcius.... when i was doin' my surface dive, my cap came out, i panicked at first but then i decided to ask permision from the tester to take it back, after the 8 laps. thank god never kanna scolding. I took a deep breathe and went all the way down(the depth of the pool is 2m!)and take the cap... The ithers n the same lane as me are all boys, and surprisingly, they swim as "fast" as turtles, i overtake the 2 of them infront of me, i was the shortest among the 4 of us, diao!... wah liao, 2dae during the japanese lesson had to do catwalk, damn diao one loh!that akash do until damn funny, lol... *sigh, tmr really need to read up the japanese cuz the other lesson i was not around...i can't wait to go japan :)...I wonder how the people in China right now... I'm sure they are having lots of fun ;) Zzz... bed time. Ohaiyo gozaimasu!*sigh
Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 7:34 PM
wah liao, getting busier and busier all the time, got another activity during the holiday. I'm gonna be damn busy this mon, here is my schedule:12noon : swimming bronze test
2pM: got japanese dunno whatever practice, but will go ltr cuz of swimming.
5pm: japan trip briefing...
*sigh, all bcuz i goin' japan...
Yeppee, 2dae got another trophy for 3rd in class.
I can't believe it, tmr i representing sch for the launch of young author's scheme!!!:)...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 11:20 PM
its almost the end of the yr and it is suppose to be the best time of the yr cuz can reelax, but its different. there are lots of activities during the holidays that i am busy takin' down...i hope i can mangae to cope. finally we had our F1 race, althoguh i didn't win deryl won !! so surprising, it wasquite impossible for me to win...wah liao, so shock to hear that nic(my younger bro) goin' 3.1 next yr, he is damn lazy one. He like me, best subject maths, he got 95 for maths this yr overall.i envy deryl and her sis, her sis oso goin best class(3.1) next yr, she all her subjects scored 90 over.. tmr goin' to recieve trophy for 3rd in class=), 1st time getting trophy in nbps XD... gtg study my japanese...triple triple ones
Monday, November 10, 2008 @ 10:13 PM
its my birthday 2dae, and it is very unique cuz it is my 11th b'dae on the 11/11...lol...*sigh, 2dae the rehearsal damn boring, kanna scolding by mr lee 2gether with krithi, shi jia and adrain cuz we were playin', at least skipped MT class, but then oso skipped maths class:(, if u wonderinng y i did not want to skip mmaths, ju 2 let u noe not tat i luv maths, its bcoz cannot watch i'm not sttupid 2,, although i watched it millions of time liao...
Zzz..., very sleepy, doin' sch survey, got 60 over questions somemore muz shade OAS...sian..., anywae, my parents bought me a op bag and wallet 4 my birthdae, gonna use the bag next yr for sch. I actually requested for a laptop but parents sae cannot=(...
Sunday, November 9, 2008 @ 10:23 PM
qq read my blog liao, during break she told me she agreed that she does not lik mrs mano, and she oso said that who on earth likes her(thats what i wrote)...*sigh, now wet weather, cannot go cycling:(
tmr my b'dae sia!so happy, wonder whether can get my op bag...
and then tmr can skip MT class:)
Now amanda ang helping me to "decorate" my blogger wecsite. millions of thxs to her=)
Nothing to write liao, ltr then continue...
classmates blogs..
Saturday, November 8, 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Amanda ang wrote in her blog that she kinda hate amanda tan and... when she on9, i told her i oso don't really lik her although we always talk, and talk during mt class. i don't lik her because when we do our 新业车she would always do other thin' but she is actually waiting for me to finish doin' and let her copy!i hate it, but i decided to not really care as if she keeps on doin' this, she would be the one doin' horribly for her exam, but guess wat, she did much better then me!!!she is juz planetively lazy...of course there are other reasons y i disliked her, but i don't know how to put it., when i read amanda ang's blog, she wrote that i agree with her, meaning i hate amanda tan, i'm so afraid amanda tan would read her blog, and mine, the one i'm writting.When I read qq's blog it was lik, OMG, we're only 11 tis year and she is writting 'bout all this love thingy, 3rd party, broke up buz of friendship and stuffs lik that.she wrote that she lik don but then they broke up cuz she dosen't wanna make deryl said, saeing she is the 3rd party and... Omg..she wrote that don luv deryl and vice versa(for those who don't know who deryl is, she is my best(est) fwen XD)...I don't noe how true it is that deryl luv don...juz now i decided to sms deryl and ask her go c qq's blog... but then as i was taking my shower, i think i should tell deryl that on 2nd thought, she shoudn't read it, as there might be some misunderstanding, i've yet to reply her...
One thin' i hate 'bout sch is that the boys r insane here are 3 examples:
1) last yr, eric emailed me and told me he lik me...i didn't reply and i pretendied i didn't noe 'bout it.
2) xian qian is always asking me stupid questions so that i would talk to hime, he liks me(i guess so, but i don't lik him)
3)isaac told some ppl in class in msn that he liks me, i think tahts y he ask me to add his email address in msn.. lame.
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vanessa layout
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Friday, November 7, 2008 @ 5:23 PM
*sigh, i juz wrote my blod, but then com jam, then restart again... nvm... YES! 2dae no tuition, tmr oso!!! yeppeeee!!! as u can c, i dislike tuition, it is sooo lame sia.. but so bad got swimming in one hour time. now , i recording songs into hp , cuz i not allowed to download, songs, if i did, i die die liao... so bad one:(, now recording sae ok by vanessa hudgens;).so fast, my birthdae comin' liao, on 11/11, my 11 b'dae. LOL... ALL 11 ONE.THEN GOIN' JAPAN IN, UMMM... 18 DAES!!! WAH LIAO, SO FAST!!! i'm so afraid i would not be able to speak proper japanese, and i will miss everyone, if only is not homestay loh. i so afraid until i don't feel lik goin', i don't understand why i said i want to go at the 1st place... but nevermind, i'm sure i will have tons of fun=)life in school todae...
Thursday, November 6, 2008 @ 10:50 PM
Today still haven't had our car racing competition cuz 10 pupils in my class didn't come. Goddy newz!!! I got third in class overall, hope i got top 5 in lvl XD. So fast, one week over liao, next week last week of school liao... den holiday. can't wait to get back report bk & see my overall marks, 2 bad they wound't put the position in whole lvl & class... I pray that next year will stay in 6.3 for chinese.Labels: Class...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 11:32 PM
Well, this is my first blog posted...or should i sae first blog i did...I don't know what to write...2dae watched "对不起老师", quite nice but haven't watch finish...Then Mrs mano also let us play a game that must let ur parthner guess a word, u have to give clues, quite fun too but my team mates and i all the clues too easy liao... then juz now the ebook thingy IT lesson for sian, bos i last week didn't come, missed out lots of things. told the teacher-miss judith, but she didn't seemed to care, so i oso hack care... sian... finally tmr mr wong come back liao, then no need to be taught by mrs mano, she so whatsoever one, seriously, no one in class likes hr(i think so)...*sigh, tmr deryl and krithi not coming again...
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