Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ 2:33 AM
well, me as my mum secatury told her what nic did. my mum asked who else did it but it didn't dare to say. tonight going to be punished .she - who did throw the pebble as well will definitely be damn glad that she isn't scolded. well, thats because my mum can't e bothered to teach her what's right and wrong. so who do u think will be a better personb when they grow up? my bro or her. my bro might hate me cuz i always tell my mum what does he do, but i just want him to be a better person when he grows up. i rather he be punished right now. so, next time if anyone out there does something wrong, someone else found out but says nothing about it, do some self reflection. it isn't a gd thing but horrible thing ...
anyway, gladys talked to me just now, she was feeling horrible crying. i confess that i ever disliked her, but hello? we all learn from ouyr mistakes, imagine u ur self in her shoes... we never noe how strong a person is. we should really change our views about her...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 2:32 AM
damn embarrassing. my cousins and brother only know how to do things against law. just happen - throw stones into the pool, illegal, security to my maindoor scold my cousin .. i upstairs. happen before many times one guy's mother com complain about my cousin..................................... damn embarrassing lohs. done my job, sms my mum, later my bro die liao, teochew = sia suai
p6 prefect
Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 11:08 PM
and NBPS 2009 head prefect is none other than................................................................. ah yo, dunno whether can tell, so, sry another day then tell, as well as senior prefects, 3, juz can say one of them is muah!! Anyway, i bet 20cents on _______ as head prefect, won, krithi won too. too bad fr adriana wow, he lost... congrats _______. quite obvious *she would be the head prefect although everytime i walked with her to recess she would say she would not want to be... she truely is the angel of class... dots. . . . too bad vice-head prefect from p5. who could it be?miss siti never tell, well maybe Pavathi?
*she - giving clue sia, gul=)
captains ball lol
Friday, February 13, 2009 @ 5:43 AM
the other days PE lesson was one of the best! played against QJ, wei tse, abel, celvin and jun pu, aiya, knew that we(the girls) were hopeless) when me and deryl remembered playing netball with them last yr, we gt 0 they got... uncountable. at least this time rund got 2, but for hem, u..... uncountable... lol... they keep using all their might to throw the ball so they one hit can goal already. everytime we were holding the ball, qj and gwt would be shouting lik monkeys to divert our concentration so had to be fast. got one time, when i dunno who from my team was holding the ball, and said HANNAH MOTANA! to divert her attentionn we were lmao as he day b4 there was a vitagen perfomance, then one of the character diverted somone else's attention by saying HANNAH MOTANA!!!then after we finish the game, mr. sridar said that one of the teams in my class with boys ""you guys are too gentle" i was thinking of my opponients team, .....
@ 3:02 AM
shit! is it ABU DZAR??? life's gonna be horrible, but its worst for deryl, luckily renzo the :ex-UFO maniac" does not know how to express himself if not my por bestest fwn deeryl isgonna lead a horrible teeriible life...
@ 2:12 AM
i got a better word to describe my classmates in love in state of too mature, and thats
CHILDISH! they are lik, loving here loving there, like kinda trying to get attention kinda thing and thinking that they are mature. (sry, don't really know how to phrase it right). NO offence 6.1! juz writing my thoughts and opinions=) I got this from my cousin(pei wen jie jie)-sry, thats what i call her, and although she's is sec 1, nothing lik this (if i'm not wrong) happened to her class b4...
@ 1:58 AM
wah piang eh, nic almost killed me 2day sia. i asked him to wait for me in school so after my CCA i ccan go look for him and go home together, ended up cannot find him in the school, called mum, went general office no avail. "aha!maybe his waiting for me outside sch" i dunno y i was kinda sure he is waiting at the place we would always hire taxis so i went to buy a drink, thinking i will not need to come back into the sch to look for him again.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @ 3:01 AM

sian, learning spelling and its still raining...
Monday, February 9, 2009 @ 2:45 AM
oh gosh, 2day the EA! i forgotten to say 1 of the lines, cuz ms koo keep tokin toking until i got soooo nervous and i forgotten...Other than tt, it was ok.
Friday, February 6, 2009 @ 7:54 PM
nothing tio write about this few days. well, the only thing to write about is EA! on mon. Monday got english alive, me and the other 8 young authors going up on stage to read an exerpt of our stories, so scary, somemore my story sucks, it is damn lame...going to be up on stage alone...i'm afraid i will get stage fright sia. Ms Catherine Koo said that one of the trink to not get nervous is to not wear glasses for those who are shortsighted so will not be able to see the audience but i don't think its such a great idea.It is lik going to be when in japan the farewell dinner in the very high class hotel lik wedding dinner than need to have a fashion show for our hosts and the organization, that one is not that scary as there are still many people...
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