Over you:]
Monday, May 31, 2010 @ 1:00 AM
"Now that its all said and done,I can't believe you were the one
to build me up and tear me down
like an old abandon house
what you said when you left
just left me cold and out of breath
I fell too far, was in too deep
I guess I let you get the best of me
Well I never saw it coming
i should've started running a long long time ago
And I never thought I'd doubt you
I'm better off without you
More than you, more then you know
I'm slowly getting closure
I guess its really better
And now I'm picking up the pieces
I'm spending all of these years
putting my heart back together
'cause the day I thought I'll never get through
I got over you"
Yeah, I guess... I did, and we all did:] So just leave us alone please...
I completed 3 homework already(: awesome yeah...
1. english summary writing
2. Geography chap 2 and 3 notes
3. Literature Assignment[powerpoint quiz]
Good start I guess...(:(:
I'm rather concerned that we wouldn't be able to complete science project and chinese project. Both suck to the core:/
Science project group name: the girls in the giant tissue= Faith, pris, meow, man man, harvi><
chinese project group name: ???= faith, pris, man man, shernice *gulps*
shernice keeps asking us to go bugis with her. eff. and i gave her my phone number. big mistake.
heehee.. [ eff... nicholas! stop using my msn to crap with others!D:<]
Dad jail-broke his iPhone already... LMAO! jail-broke[past tense] of jail-break ><
TalkingCarl rocks man!!! hurrays^^
Yesterday went to help out at dad's cafe. [i earned 20 bucks^^] :D
I did my literature today! I lovedie my powerpoint quiz.. It's so damn cool... I used hyperlink and all sort of stuff... Just that there's one slight error, but I don't care(:
I want gathering with 6.1'09. But if most of you can't be bothered then forget it yeah... no point anyway! I'm not that free anyway- three projects to do. one includes creating a solar panel, wdf. And all my dear friends live so far away><
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 @ 1:17 AM
Today was great:]Firstly, priscilla! stop growing taller i beg euuuu:[
okay. uhm. reached school earlier then usual today(:
priscilla wasn't early. sadded...
so waited for her. then went to popular, then waited for twinns
same as yesterday(:
WS period, i meant lesson *ahem*
was used for some target seting crap, and prize giving ceremony
i was telling amanda that no one would wanna go up to shake [insertnamehere]'s hand
But ended up I got third, and I did shake his hand><
congrats to samuel and melanie^^
woots, continued watching "the boy in stripped pyjamas" during EL
Half of the time, melanie and me were hugging and hidding our bags
So scary man, and udderly cruel:X
Priscilla cried alot. Like she was watching a sad romance movie or smth (:^^
After reccess was motehr tongue
and we got to watch UP again... i mean continue...awesome(:
but the boy in stripped pjs in nicer(:
rmb? "the girl [pris] in the giant tissue"(:
Then slacked during science
the science project is gonna kill me
create a solar panel... yeah right. -.-''
but I'm looking forward to the sleepover on the 18th^^
but not to the trip to philipines[8th - 15th]
and the "algebra clinic" workshop on the 17th
someone please sign up for that idiotic workshop at nee soon south cc. please:( krithi or adrian or anyone out there... pls... i'll die of boredom...
anyways... music was okay. took mrt back with christine ng.
lovedie the earpieces... I finally got the mood to download more songs to my phone^_^
urgh. not looking forward to PTC later on>.<
its Parent Teacher Conference. WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH ME?!
Sunday, May 23, 2010 @ 11:54 PM
Last friday was fun~~~total defence badgework was fun(:
and after that it was even better(:
Took mrt back with raina.
the mrt was totally empty. amazing...
not exactly totally, but still rather empty.
when we entered the cabin, there were these two policemen/securityguard/wadeva><
they looked so scary ><
and tehre was this malay boy, and his shirt says
"fcuk the police"
then i was swinging around in the mrt, holding on to the handles above
[woah, i could actually reach them]><
then i begged raina to alight at yishun with me, to follow me to popular(:
And I managed to (:(:
I thought she was gonna buy hannah's b'day present...
raina's rich rich rich ttc^_^
so... went popular. bought my assesment books
then went to kiddy palace. there was this awesome sushi maker toy or something:D
And Raina kept going on and on about buying somthing for her brother[s]
LOL:] then went to Kalms<3
I wanted to find krithi's birthday present:D
But haven't find anythign suitable...
then I took the shuttle bus back home. the end..
Sat and Sun was rather slacked. didn't do anyhing much
Sat, adrian came to meet his friends.
I gave him a thrashing immediately><
for failing history ><
missdiethat adrian.
Last week ask him come along with me and krithi,
he say cannot. haiz...
always at home blogging or msn-ing, or ms-ing or fb-ing. -.-
Then I went swimming with this huge inflatable boat which belonsg to us:D
Long time since I swam in the pool right infront of my house man.
I remembered I had a bad experience swimming with the frogs at night. oh gawd.
me, nic and amanda took turns to pull and push the boat aroudn the pool, with one person inside a turn.
Then i was always the one pulling, which sucked like shit... then went i made nic pull, he said his nose was bleeding, then i thought it was just an excuse,
plus i couldn't see w/o my specs
then i realised his face was covered with blood.
too bad the pool didn't turn red. LOL:]
"how did jesus cross the red sea. how did jesus cross the red sea.how did...." LOL rmb my nursery concert at bethasda kindergarten(:(:
so he couldn't swim. slacked in the pool for awhile. then went up
Today was quite fun. especially during science lesson.
Melanie is a bad BAD girl, who slapped my ear...
and amanda, melanie said that " she wanted to hit my back"
and not that she wanted to eat my.... OKAY?!
And i hope we wouldn't use "Untouchables" for our group name.
It's really disgusting. I rather have "brahmins" or somthing><
Chinese lesson was fun for once
watching UP(:
And we were trying to make melanie jealous because she couldn't watch
LOL. and she was so pissed....-.-
English lesson was awesome. slacking through the entire lesson
and not havign to copy the situational writing..
my dad came to fetch me after school. yay. great(:(:
I was home sodamn early for once. 2.10pm-home sweet home(:
It feels great to put down that hatred us and move on as normal friends
but i'm not sure whether we would be bossom friends
but, still its better to be friends then enemies, after so long...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 @ 11:23 PM
Private stuffs shan't be posted in my blog for unknown purposes yeah... but written in my beloved diary instead... (:(:(:Who agrees that we did worse than shit for SA1??? Me!!! hahas...
But seriously, I did like shit
english : b4
chinese: b4
history: b4
literature: c5
mathematics: b3
home economics: A1
science: b4
visual art: ???
Mum's gonna send me to mindChamp. I honestly don't believe in going for this ._.
- stretching young innocent pitiful kids' brains to make them smarter.
There is another one called mindStretcher.
I dunno why but i can only think that what they do is they brainwash our minds to make us like freaking smart nerdy robots. :X wth.
And dad spoked and consoled me.
It is true- I shouldn't be giving up. I didn't do too well because its my like first exam since I was posted to secondary level, so i'm not very good at managing my studies yet, because there are 8 effing subjects examined... Hence, my dad used this to help me- golf. ><>< anyway, finally saw her(: erm.. walked up and down the building to look for the library. urgh. finally found it; went in;to the children corner, and started doing our stuff. Krithi was doing her maths, I was slacking. And kept talking and talking, about our results. then got chased away by librarian, then went somehwere else. krithi finnaly got to play scoops LOL. tehn went KFC, were there for almost 3 hours. chatting and chatting. It feels great to have someone like her to speak to. That was what I really needed, and i'm glad i managed to pick up the courage to do so. Talked non stop for 3 hours. tireddieme.... gossiped about some people - really irrelevant. I don't wish to talk about what happened between us and deryl. I really didn't expect this to happen, but i really dun wanna care already. seriously..... It's really a blessing to have such a friend like krithi. really hard to find one like her now a days. so people, stop disliking her just because she's an indian. she is much better then u racist( to the mgs pupils in her class :D) At around 6, we walked back to mrt station. took wrong train!!! took to marsiling, i mean jurong east. we were like, tryign hard to squeeze into teh fully packed cabin, and when we finally managed to, we realised.... haiz.. then obviosuly alighted and took back to yishun(: lurvedaieu krithi, meet up again soon kkays. hopefully qq can make it then :D lurvedaieu qianqi tooooo(:
Walk in the Light You Have
Sunday, May 16, 2010 @ 9:50 PM
Think about walking at night down a dark, unfamiliar path in the middle of a jungle. The guide up ahead has a flashlight to keep you on the right path. But then, you just decide to wander off into the darkness by youself. What do you think will happen to you? You'll probably stumble and fall. Ver likely, you'll get hurt. That's exactly the same thing that can happen in your walk with the Lord. He knows what's ahead and He shines just enough light for you to take one step at a time. You have to contiue walking in that light in order to get where you're going.[From Faith to Faith- A Daily Guide To Victory. May 17th]
170510- keep the faith...
@ 8:58 PM
"Strength is nothing more than how well you hide the pain.""Life isn't about waiting for teh storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain"
I really dunno what is happening.
I am starting to loss my faith in everything around me.
Would faith really be able to move the mountains in my life?D:
I really dunno, but i'm just gonna try my very best(:
Last saturday's gb meeting was awesome, simply bcos squad 3 is awesome... LOL
It was really slacky and tiring.
slacked through the whole damn thing. really tiring
abby was as hyper as ever
running around blowing bubbles,
feeding fishes
abby's 3 anyway(:
sharilyn made a fool of herself,
whatever she did, was just simply retarded-.-
And abby is a really kindhearted girl,
who lent sharilyn her insect repellent><
anyways, we took mrt to orchard,
walked to far east and took 105 to tanglin
botanic gardens is big BIG BIG
like the zooooo,
but its easier to get lost in the garden
and it was freaking hot
Reached back skool almost at 2pm!!
Mum was waiting for me since 1pm. ops?
Went for lunch, then headed back home
slept until 5pm.
Nic went to bliss retaurant to "work"- sua gu
I'm sure he went there to make a fool of himself infront of others
Mum's gonna force me to work there soon
went to the library ytr.
long time since i went there><
borrowed a few novels, but i doubt i can finish reading them
as usual...
i borrowed 4, mum borrowed 14..
she bought 6 library cards!!
I'm glad I am not such an avid reader as i used to be already,
unlike her...
Today is gonna be another oh-so-awesome slacking day.
facebooking, reading my books, playing at cousin's house. what else??
I want go games room^^
but there's this sec 4 phs senior using the games room ><
I dun want to go to skooooollllll tmr!!!!
I dun want get back results.
I'm gonna do badly for everything except hecons theory-.-
at least there isn't maths and science tmr
or else i'm dead :X
Thursday, May 13, 2010 @ 11:11 PM

boreddiemettc >_<
many things happened today morning
haiz... i guessed i shoudln't be pissed off
but urgh.. nevermind
i finally relinked for abby's sake. hahas(:
going through answers for exams
writing reflections for every subject is totally crap to the core.
hatedieit. but still gonna try completing it by today
lovedieyouforever kkays abby.... bffff, effing Fs
and awesomation, u guys rock the world(:
@ 2:25 AM
jeremy finally shuddup-ed :D
bcos of what yeelin asked me to say
hahas. nice one (:
actually i wanted to say smth to him
but i scared he might get hurt
so i rather have been irritated by him
but now he stopped already (:
he pisseddieme off today.
kept harrassing me in skool -.-
thank god MYE is over
just did reflections for chinese and homecons
wrote lots of crap
i think i did quite well for hecons after looking at the answers
(: surprising...
but i damn scared maths :X
amanda wong, come and spam my wall. i'm freaking bored
but still, looking forward to gb meeting on sat
hope sherilyn isn't going to be there
actually up till today, i think i spelt her name wrongly
and oh yeah, i got a pic of her in my fone carrying teh big round bowling ball
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 @ 11:14 PM
firstly, pris managed to come along with us
secondly, we didn't go causeway :( but we went j8 instead :D
thirdly, we spent the whole time either eating, camwhoring or laughing our ass-es out
fourthly, art was a disaster. my drawing was oh-so-AWFUL!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 @ 8:46 PM
woohoo^^One more paper to go... hahas... but its art. art sucks ttc.... but thank god i have't up on it.. slacking right nw(: later then do art. anyways, i'm prepared to FAIL art^^ too bad abby given up on art D: hahas... and erm... i think i'm going to night safari tonught (:(: its like as if exams are over.... anyway, erm... all the other papers were okay. just that i don't think i can do very well for maths and science... science left a few blanks... haiz... i tried my best anyway... for ytr's revision. i memorised the stupid periodic table thingy, which took up an hour D:< anyway... i was damn hungry doing the paper... then teacher was scolding someone and i was like about to ask her dun waste time, i sibei hungry, want faint lerhx... urgh. then abby wasn't eatign in school. so i just bought some snacks and eat it while walking. arh.... lydia came to me while i was in ahava.. to rape my phone :( i could see amanda was really angry. zzz. she wanted to se the phone since ytr but didn't get to bcos they were using. zzz. then i let amanda use first. then after i was done, then let them use. missed the first train... anyway,our plan failed epically.. lol- to run away from lydia they all straight after sch. hahas... then soo say then kidnap my phone. i say they rape my phone. which is totally true. i still haven't bought a new casing-.- wanted to go minitoons to buy today, but too lazy to. tmr then go (:100510
Sunday, May 9, 2010 @ 8:59 PM
went to trinity @ adam yesterday, invited by abby. erm... rather awesome(: but, i dunno... i don't really feel like going next week... i never ever thought of goign back to church any time soon, but my dad has been bragging me over it suddenly. :X, And, this has been bothering me since last night. might be going to another one next week. i wonder what has been happening man...so going to do badly for hecons and maths.... i realised i can't juggle with two papers on the same day...
finally syncro-ed my phone once again... zzz... was too lazy to. bcos firstly, had to use hp notebk- too laggy. secondly, hatediezxc it. cos i accidentally deleted all my songs the last time i syncro-ed it. now left with 39 songs. aww wth. going to spend the next half of the day revising for maths. hopefully not distracted by the computer or the phone :D I havent started on science either. aww.... its okay. i rather i fail science then to have to face that teacher for another half a year honestly...going to heck care art. but not to abby's that extend. going to do prep work on wednesday. can't wait for freaking exams to be over... meet krithi on thursday and probably qq at bh on friday (: krithi's birthday coming. YAY!!! i wanna get her a real pigeon for her birthday. imagine carrying a pigeon to her... hahas!!! and i was just thinking, if i really do join abby at trinity every sun. i would meet her 7 times a week!! lmao??? gb on sat as well ^^ looking forward to sat's gb, to botanic gardens[ other than the fact that sherilyn would be going i think :X] actually my dad could just fetch my to botanic gardens, since he is going there after fetching my to school. LOL!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 8:59 PM
Okay uuhm... I spent the entire day studying history yesterday since there wasn't school. and that sucked pretty much... i started revising at 10am... all the way to 9pm... of course i ate and shower in between -.- and the worst part is i spent up to 4 hrs on chapters 7 and 8... seriously. I started scribbling on my "the living past (companion) assesment bk smth lik " dear history, you have proven yourself wrong. you wasted 6 hours of my bloody life..." hahas i wrote that at around evening time i guess... But honestly, its quite impossible to remember all the facts in one day, when it is supposed to be taught in 4 mths... seriously hate bloody hell history lessons when those idiots keep on talking, and then mrs gan woudl have to top to scold, and waste time. then at the end cannot finish teaching the last chapter. i hatediezxc chapters 7 and 8 ttc. so erm.. yeah... i finally watched tv at 9 pm... followed by bible reading until 10.30, then went to bed. yesterday's verse i read was rather meaningful. speaking about asking god for wisdom and stuffs (: today i reached school at 7 am.. samuel, natasha, pris they all were sharing dirty jokes about masterbedding and stuffs. wdf. okay, fine, maybe pris wasn't sharing, she was just listening ... >< and then krystal came and join in. wdf. i was busy with my dearest history. aww... then came teh twins and abby. i started asking abby what was masterbedding . she gave me a stare, and then cried " dun ask me" then i was like thinking. er... okay. forget it. dots... i doubt i wanted to know too much anyway. zzz. erm.. then the history exam. yeah right. i was perspiring alot bcos i was sitting all the way at one corner of the room. really, all the way at the corner, beside that disgusting bucket of blue glue-y paint. then teacher didn't open the doors. urgh... perspiring like mad while doing the paper. the paper was easier then i expeeted, but still its abit difficult. everything was okay except for a few of my short structured questiosn-anyhow ticum for the organisation of society. uhm.. i hope to get at least 60 out of 80 (: i wrote alot of crap. like for example, they ask me one about the india artistic value and religion thingy, then i just write about the ajanta caves, and that in cave no. what got wad paintings or wadeva. eg. cave 26 got buddha sculpture.... cave 1 got elephant paintings... zzz. everything copy from textbk. and i kept writing about social mobilty and meritocracy and some crap. hahas... anyway, afer the paper ate at canteen... then took mrt back with abby. saw sam on the train :D took shuttle bus home, saw my grandma at the mrt station... tireddieme now, no mood for literature -.-040510
Monday, May 3, 2010 @ 11:13 PM
Okay, let's start with last friday. I had my english paper last friday. Its wasn't too difficult, thank god (: and then I went home and slacked almost the whole day.Last Saturday. Nic and papa went to malaysia for golf. slacked in the morning. then mummy brought me to northpoint in the afternoon, went to popular to buy chinese assesment bks [bleh^^ last min] then went Op. supposed to buy wallet for nic, ended up buying alot of shorts
-.- then went buloh to collect sales-.- and stole a bottle of peel fresh plus snacks. then on the way back as usual- saw some ang mo strangers on the road, looking damn sua gu like the twins, HAHA. then offered them a ride... then went home. studied the whole day, until evening. had dinner, then watched tv until 10 plus at night, then slept.
Sunday, slacked in the morning, watched EU till 12pm. then did a bit of revision then went out for lunch at some foodcourt at ang mo kio. then went east coast park cycling. rather fed up with some idiots who don't stay on the right track... urgh. cycled to somewhere, then played in the water, got rather dirty. then after cycling went to mac. tried the double quarter pounder burger, forgot to order plain. shitdiezxc... then didn't eat the bread on top, cuz i hated the pickles and stuffs. the burger was nice. i wanna eat again. it reminded me of how raina poked the fries into abby's burger while abby was using the burger to represent [insertteacherhere]'s (fillintheblank) hahas... then after that went SSC, daiso. dad allowed us to each buy smth, but i was walkign around the whole daiso 10 times and i couldn't find anything. lol... ( everything supposed to be $2, of course cheapskate lar!!) hahas... then went home, around evening. then slacked. in the night, facebooked plus study. then mysoju-ed. lol.
yesterday studied the whole day. awesome. (: was so afraid to do badly for chinese, just like amanda :D and plus dad "promised" to buy me a new pocket bible. yay!! at last heehee. at first, his excuse was: iphone got pocket bible what. wth....... that's just an application -.- can't wait to go to lifespring 3:16, i love every single thing they sell there. hahas
today, chinese exam. erm.. everyone around me was frantically memorising the format for letter writing before assembly. hahas... then.. the person dunno how to raise the flag one, raise then drop, then raise then drop. hahas... sibei pathetic. even my dearest nbps prefects can do much better.... :D Then devotion was funny, sort of. and then during the exam, the questions for paper one were quite okay. oh yeah, krithi, i wrote about you for my compo leh. the topic was smth like " write about someone who gave u a deep impression/ great impact in ur life, or wadeva. i wrote quite little, 2 pages nia -.- then recess was very little time. haiz... then second paper was okay. i guess.....but they didn;t test what i revised for close passage. urgh... amanda agrees (: abby said hmt paper was not easy at all. so sad.... haiz... she was rather worried about it... but i hope she's feeling better already(: oh yeah, so we were walking to mrt station, then at traffic light there, i suddenly rmbered we forgot to get consent form for gb meeting on the 15th may. then me and abby rushed back. went up and down levels 2 and 3 a few times to find teacher's locker. finally gave up and asked that actseniorsenior. hahas... i dun like that girl.... keep tryign to act senior infront of abby and the twins... luckily she never irritate me. everytime the twins see her, like trying to run away from her. hahas. she only 1 yr older marhx... not like as if she is much taller