Saturday, September 11, 2010 @ 11:22 PM

From today onwards, I doubt I'll be blogging as much, until the end of October, due to EOY. I've set time limits for my user, and i've blocked out almost every hour for weekdays, left with 6pm-7pm ><>
Motivation : To get into the best class with twins and pris^^
While pris is learning the art of dao-ing people, I've been learning the art of pranking people. Nicholas just got pranked yesterday
Blehx xD
Yesterday night, we were taking a public bus home after dinner.
And Nicholas was talking really loud in the bus.
You know.. sometimes.. there'll be some idiot talking loudly in the bus, while simply spoils your mood. I was lik "Shuddup! The whole bus can hear you!" zzz
So, yeah... decided to play a prank on him. My cousin and I lied that we were alighting soon, and made him press the button. We were like, fighting to see who presses the button first .<>
Revise for Science. Ahh... I REALLY DISLIKE THAT ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS AND MIXTURES TOPIC. It is crappy. Screw chemistry. I'll never want to take chemistry.
@ 1:23 AM

The first thing which happened today morning after I opened my eyes was that I started scolding Nicholas. Bad start :L He was playing tennis in the room. I mean table tennis. But there wasn't a table. So, yeah... So... The first thing he did when he woke up was that he played table tennis.
I'm like " Serious?-.-"
So after screaming, he srammed, I slept for one more hour.
Woke up. Ate. TV-ed. Watched Sonny with a chance on YouTube. Heehee. That show rocks really. Like really really awesome?:] I watch it till 12.30am every night, whenever I could :]
So yeah.. Suppoed to meet raina, but couldn't :/ Revised for english summary writing. Went to s'pore expo ytr. Adidas sales, plus popular sales. Bought Chicken Soup for only $5!!!xD Gonna revise for math again later -.- Ahh... One more day to school. :L

Mr Bump!
Those two pictures above are for you! I so nice right?
Dedicating a post for you, when I'm supposed to revise for maths. :DDD heehee
I'll keep you in my prayers! I'll always be here for you okay?! Cheer Up :>
Speak to God, surrender everything to Him!
Live by faith, not by sight!
Ask and it'll be given,
Seek and you shall find
Knock and the door shall be opened for you
Mrs Bump wouldn't change..
I'll, but only for the better!
Mrs. Bump
Thursday, September 9, 2010 @ 4:44 AM

@ 1:07 AM

We're face to face but we don't see eye to eye
@ 12:56 AM

I'm freaking bored:/
Did revision for geog
ate seaweed
now the seaweed is all over my textbook
gonna revise for chinese later
went games room earlier on
played billard
played air hockey by myself
sounds stupid
but yeah...
Melanie and amanda went to their tutor's house
also in shaughnessy :]
They better visit me next time!:]
I might push them into the pool!
i'm so freaking bored
tempted to go for a swim
*looks out from window*
There are like four guys in the pool-.-
stomach pain
too much chips, seaweed, bubble tea
i gained like 0.2 kg since 2 days ago
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 @ 3:33 AM
Jealousy SUCKS"Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative - self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them. ~Jennifer James"
@ 1:53 AM

"Wouldn't change a thing"
Joe Jonas & Demi Lovato
"Introducing Me"
Nick Jonas
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 @ 9:05 PM
"All the world's a stage"I eat cheese! But only on pizza pleassse!
@ 8:21 PM
Hello world!!!:DDD
Obsessed with camp rock 2 songs xD
Yesterday was great :D
Met up with krithi at khatib mrt station
she was like 15mins late
and she texted me and said
"i very punctual right?"
Yeah, right krithi...
Then mrt-ed to admiralty
we were like so sua gu
first time alighted at admiralty station
then called qq
krithi told her we were at the passenger service cos I has HBP
then qq was like " huh? u all at the clinic for faith?"
then we realsied there was a clinic
wanted me to go in,
so that krithi could take a peek
but i didn't :]
then qq came
went to the supermaket
to buy ingredients for maggie mee
bought sausages, crabsticks and fishballs
oh yeah!
qq said
"ahma grew taller"
just like what i told adrian when i saw him
So encouraging
but so un-real
went to qq's house
cooked maggie mee
with T-E-A-M-W-O-R-K
And Krithi,
we don't care about how many hours ades mosquitoes take to breed
it doesn't really matter to me :]
and qq:]
then we ate
and talked
and laughed
and giggled
and gossiped
and went on msn
to erm...
then we left at 5 plus
Hugged qq before leaving
I'll missya!<3
Most of the time, we were arguing and badmouthing one another
In the good way
and obviously,
qq took my side
Then i remembered pris to buy me my made in candy
rockcandy :]]]
thanks loads pris-see-larh
I'm left with one homework
ain't i'm awesome? :]
Monday, September 6, 2010 @ 3:19 AM
Stop it okayseriously
I can't tolerate forever
I'm sick of these
every time u try to talk to me
i mean...
every time u wanna show off something to me
you try to hint to me
just like what just happened
i couldn't even be freaking bothered with you
and u usually can't
and u just simply want to tell me about ur new laptop
i don't care whatever it is okay
laptop, new laptop, new headset
I can't be bothered
Pick someone else to show it off to
just leave me alone
i know i sound liek i'm crazy
that's bcs i've yet to mention how u try to HINT to me
firstly u come to me and say like
"omg.. i finally downloaded msn"
so u were obviously expecting me to ask u about it
bcos its stupid that u just downloaded msn
so, yeah..
i ask u
and u say " bcos i got a new laptop"
You have been doing this for 4 years
aren't u sick u it
and ur lil' sis is like that too
the old me would have been like
"wow!!! so cool! i want see"
but that...
is kinda sarcastic
it obviously is to others,
but not to you
u just want all the praises and everything
i had enough
Wonder why we bother with love, if it never lasts
@ 12:35 AM
Hey peeps! I just wanna say something about what happened about the URL thing :]Steph! ^^ Cheer up :]
Don't let this ruin your life
Ignorance is bliss yeah...
I think ..
forget it
it wouldn't change anything
So yeah...
ytr was amazing
Went to Priscilla's house after lunch
Twins were late
Listened to Taylor Swift songs
I <3>
then did a bit of math
then pris and i went to thomson plaza to get board
twins stayed, got no mrt card
amanda texted pris " can i tidy your desk please?:("
So cute right?
and b4 we left " can u buy some food please?:("
bought the board
then went grocery shop to buy snacks
then bus-ed back
shared secrets :]
went back,
we told them that we saw phyo, darron, steph, jer at j8 cinema.
double date \m/
then we were lik " darron gel his hair"
"jeremy dyed his hair BLACK"
"Phyo wore heels, and one white revealing tube/dress"
damn funny
then did work
i thnk th whole thing was screwed
but nvm...
then went back at 6
went for dinner at bedok
then rushed fome to watch camp rock 2!
nice :]]]
th read friedrich
lost my lesportac bag
sadded ttm
then today remedial
was okay
chatted the whole time
literature remedial ate seaweed
then went hawker
saw mrs boey on the way
er.... yeah ._."
and saw other teachers...
ate chicken rice
then went back
did a little touch up for math project,
passed to pris through mrs wong
the end
Four's company, Five's a crowd. 2 BAD :D
Thursday, September 2, 2010 @ 1:47 AM
Krithi!!! Haiz... I still haven't figure out how to tell ehr about what Mr Wong told me :LI'm read the last Gossip Girls : The Carlyles book :
Love the one you're with
Love the one you're with
AHH... Last one leh!
I hope the author write more :DD
Morning chapel
You're My All in All again
ahh.... Nice!
Mother tongue sucked badly
do zuo wen again
Recess was uhm... recess?
Ate, then went to toilet, then revised for math
then english... went through that oral thing again
Ethnic : eff-nic
Then I remembered today was Nic's birthday
so uhm... yeah..
Happy Birthday Idiot :]
Your maturity level is still as low as it was a year ago
congratz :]
Then Geog
was kinda boring
About Rivers
I had no clue what ms farisa was speaking about
Thank God geog notes not due tmr phew
still have zuo wen
Then Maths test
it was quite bad to me...
I was kinda confused
i think i'll get like 13???
Somethign really bad happened
like real
Oh ya.. I continued
I managed to complete my stupid math filing
Then went down
we were laughing and stuff
then ms boey was like
talking and asking us alot of stuff
like why we laughing
mel : "uh... about the riddle"
amanda[at the same time ] : about a frog and cockroach joke
mel and amanda : "oh shit..."
mrs boey : huh? what frog and cockroach?
mel " er... its a very long story..." [ use hands to signal it was long]
amanda : er... yeah... it like the frog jumped over the cockroach"
mrs boey : oh... who told you about it?
amanda : uh.... math teacher
It was really really crazy
bcos we were actually gossiping and stuff
haha! frog and cockroach?
heehee :D
Then went to hawker centre
we talked and cleared the air
And gossiped alot
and yeah.. Amanda was being really kind to follow [space] to the toilet,
and she end up makign a mistake in her math test bcos of that
and amanda was really angry
heehee :]
Living alone with just me...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010 @ 12:19 AM
But...Losing someone close like you...
is like living in a world with no air
"Perfect, perfect, perfect..."
@ 12:03 AM
dear me, Wake up! You can't get the best of both worlds. You know that! So stop it!
Leave HER alone.
You have NO rights to interfere,
nor judge her friends
Love and cherish the ones you are with.
So what if she's the only one who wouldn't change no matter what?
She has her buddies,
and you have yours
What happens between her and her buddies
are none of your toot business
So stop it,
and wake up
With love,
Faith Goh :L
I dunno why :[[[
"Perfect, perfect perfect"
I've been saying this in my mind
Just like what Jack does in the book ><
I'm obsessed :/
But it does help
when answers eluded me
or when i get pissed
for whatsoever reasons
sobs :(