Sunday, October 31, 2010 @ 8:50 PM

@ 8:27 PM
I love today's date 011110. hehe... lalalala... Okay uhm... supposed to be going for badminton today, but I don't feel like seeing some people, so forget it. Talked to Deryl about it. I admire how strong she really is. I wanna learn from her. Anyway... I WANT SONY ERICSSON XPERIA X10 MINI PRO!!! :( Dad kinda agreed, but mum says I've been changing too many phones. Really? o_O So I might have to wait for another 1 over year, so forget it. Mum says she can give me the iPhone 4 when she renews her contract on Jan, but I don't want a iPhone 4. I might be the world's biggest retarded for wanting a Sony Ericsson instead of Apple, but... I'm sick of my phone, serious. It is as laggy as my previous phones. And those free apps are b-o-r-i-n-g. I have "craving" for phones with those QWERTY keyboards. Stephanie is leaving tomorrow night:( sigh... Those children who came trick or treating at my house, sorry xD My cousin slammed the door at their faces. HAHA. So... Homecoming cum Open House cum GB "last training" cum Inter-squad drill comp. last Saturday. Didn't expect to win, and didn't win. Do not put all your eggs into one basket uh? Anyway, kinda screwed the drill part up. heehee... I'm getting used to wearing my full uniform, although I still dread doing so. Mavis quited. I guessed it. But I don't wanna say some stuff to offend some people. Just that, if I'm gonna stay in GB, I'm gonna tell myself I've to be a better senior. Raina... Let's go stickys soon. I'm decomposing. The scavengers and decomposes and eating me up soon. Dad helped me to return the NYAA form to sch cos I forgot to on Saturday. YAY. I can't imagine wearing my school uniform and school shoes just for that like 3minutes of passing the form to the general office, like seriously? So uhm... Went to the library last night. Borrowed quite alot of books. Borrowed 2 chinese books from the children section for the stupid assignment. Thanks for the calculator Amanda!! And the card, super cute and finally. especially the "MOST laughter, MOST niceness, MOST bruises, MOST FOOD" part!!! HAHA!!! Ahh... I want a jonas season 3 badly. Why is one season so short. I've watched JONAS LA like twice already. so nice... but 13 episodes only?sad.281010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 @ 7:13 PM
It all started almost a year ago. When I got back my PSLE result slip from MrDanielWong back in 6.1 classroom nbps. I knew I could have been able to do better, as I didn't put in my best.english A
math A
chinese A
science A
Yet, I was somewhat satisfied with my results. I always wanted to get into PresbyterianHigh. I'm sure people like krithi, deryl, qianqi, adrian, krystal and wani would have known that all along. And yes, it is because it was a Christian-based school as a matter of fact. I missed being in StAnthonyCannosianPrimary. I miss singing along with choir; the pastoral care lesson every friday morning, followed by chapel service; and not forgetting the masses. And yes, I was indeed happy and satisfied that I got into the school I've always wanted to. I didn't want to set too high hopes for myself. I didn't think of YishunTown or Anderson or CCHY or whatsoever. I'm the really realistic and down to earth type of girl. I'm sure God had a purpose for me in PresbyterianHigh, to inculcate Christian values, especially when I seldom go to church, even though I would consider myself as a Christian. And, 2 semesters have passed just like that. I would have said I changed alot. Both in a bad and good way. I've learnt to be least sensitive and insecure. I've started to understand that we are all different. Yet I've started to swear alot, and becoming a gossip-monger. Everything I pray and I ask God to forgive me for all the hurtful words I used towards others, but yet, I've never really changed. Throughout all the obstacles I've gone through this year, God showered me with unfailing love and peace. He continued to give me the strength to move on, and he gave me the wisdom to concentrate on my studies. Without Him, I wouldn't have achieved what I have achieved today. All glory goes to him. Not to me, the teachers, my parents or anyone but simply to Him. I remember failing english twice this year. People like Stephanie and Krithi would have known how depressed I was over it. I considered blaming my parents for bringing me to Marina Bay Sands overnight to celebrate National Day, but I knew it wasn't their fault but mine, I was getting way to complacent. It was like a wake up call for me. Mr Daniel Wong always told us that we are all responsible for our own learning. I understand that my parents might not be the best in providing me and my brother in education. Both of them did not come from rich families. They could only study till Secondary 4. Honestly, I used to envy how some of my friend's parents seem more concern about their children's education. Take Melanie and Amanda for example. Their dad is always there helping them with their studies. My dad? I could only ask him how to read some chinese characters. My mum? She could only help me till I was Primary 5. But I have never really blamed them. I knew I only had to work harder. I'm glad that they did not really push me too hard. Maybe they didn't at all. But that is because I am different from my brother. I motivate myself instead of expecting rewards. Without people like Krithi, Stephanie, Raina, Amanda, Melanie and Priscilla, things wouldn't have been so smooth for me. Yesterday was way too much drama for me. Last day of school, knowing which class we get into. Firstly, Stephanie, thanks alot for the early birthday present. It is Ah-mazing. Secondly, Priscilla, I love ya forever and always. "Smile like a sunflower and the world smiles with you!" Thirdly, Raina, thanks for being with me all the time. I love how GirlsBrigade has bought us together. I'll pray for a better year ahead for you. I can't imagine how competitive it is going to be for me next year. 2Humility, with all those smart ass. I think its time I get tuition. But after today's PTC, I think I should reconsider. Ms Fu was right. I should put in as much effort as I did this year. If I continue to push myself to hard, I'll break apart. Everything would backfire when I'm Secondary 3 and 4, which is the crucial part. So I think I'm just gonna ask for science tuition. The rest I should be able to handle alone. I wouldn't say that 1Faith'10 was a bonded nor united class sadly, but after almost a year together, there are still some relationship between us. 6.1'09, I miss how united we were as a class, with our amazing and beloved MrDanielWong. Hope that we would be able to meet up again soon. Though I'm uncertain of what lies infront of me, I trust that the Lord has greater plans for me.
Cuz you are amazing just the way you are
Monday, October 25, 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Hello!!! Today was quite awesome I would say, I don't know why, but I wasn't even rushing when I realised I woke up at 6.50am today, instead of 6.15pm. Yesterday also overslept, but not THAT bad. Something wrong with my phone. I was like "aiyah... confirm wouldn't late one." heehee. but serious, I wasn't. Sat with Amanda today, was quite hyper, but got bored in the end. Stephanie was emo-ing the whole day:( Stole Priscilla's potato chips! Thanks PrissyLa! Okay. So... Amanda and I came up with this sucker navigation compass thing, which points at suckers, like HER. ahem. It was damn fun. whenever it finds the sucker, the person's profile would appear on the gadget's screen.
name, age, personality, precautions, heehee. GIBABWE \M/ Melanie was really funny. Aaron = girl? NOOOO!!!! Okya, this is dumb. I thought that there was school on thursday. So actually... tmr is the last day man! but yet... open house, drill comp., gb camp. YUCK !
Krithi, cheer up kkay! God is good at all times. Trust n Him, and doubtings will flee :] Its hard, I understand [ been there], but... I'm sure you are able to do it! Have faith in Him !
I heart french plaits
Sunday, October 24, 2010 @ 11:07 PM
Finally my 300th post, after so long man! Really sleepy right now. Okay so uhm, today. CIP. Went to Yishun BLK 4 something something presbyterian childcare centre. waited for quite a long time for them to finish their breakfast. aiyo. Then "i got this guy" - eliger. hmm... he can be quite shy. hygiene freak like me. heehee. stubborn like me. walked to yishun park. it was freaking near my house. kinda played. uhm... talked to him. he is like 20kg and im like 40kg? lameshit. anyway, it was quite okay. probably the best CIP i'd ever get211010
Thursday, October 21, 2010 @ 1:53 AM

"Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You shall replenish our strength and faith in You. I pray that You will help my friend, Faith, in times of her need. She's going through family problems and I pray that You shall help her get through this point of difficult time and be there with her at all times. Thank you for helping us understand that patience and strength is the key. And to get those, we have
to come to You. Thank you for making us see that You will always be there to help us and find solutions for our problems. We know that You know what's best for us but yet sometimes we think that we can manage it on our own. We pray that You forgive us for what we've done and help Faith overcome her troubles and difficulty. All this we pray in Jesus' most precious name,
Amen! " Krithi Pushpanathan 211010 4.51pm
Don't judge and you will not be judged
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 @ 12:09 AM

Hello:) lalala...Finally checked all the exams scripts. I think I did alright. But still angry with myself because of the 2 Bs I have, which are both 69!!! Or else it would have been perfect A1s and A2s, well, at least for EOY :]
Krithi! Thanks for the dedication on your blog. Imma kind soul. I ain't gonna ditch her. hehe...
MSN-ed with krithi and qq yesterday. Missdiethem ^^ 32nd December here I come!! heehee xD
i passed english! muahahaha!!!:D I was really afraid to fail english.
If I did, I would have had to say buh bye to express and hello to normal academic *phew.
sheep under wolf's clothings
Monday, October 18, 2010 @ 2:13 AM

Believe it or not, it's my life. Let me live it, thanks.
Results are quite fufiling:] heehee. But wait till I get back ENGLISH tmr :O
heehee:]] Stephanie!!! You really improved, seriously! And I'm really proud of you for that~ Happy Birthday! Child's eye was awesome ttm. heehee. i wanna watch it again in 3D Rainie yang and shawn yue :]
Two watches are better than one
Thursday, October 14, 2010 @ 11:17 PM
Nic: I screwed oral upMe: Dont use those words. Its bad
Nic : Haiz... I really screwed it up
Me : Stop It!
Nic: Why can't I say it?
Me: Asshole. You know those words are bad. If you say it in front of mummy, she will scold you, and then you will say I taught you that, and then I'm in trouble.
Two random stuff
Firstly, I brought a swiss knife to school today, and I felt kinda awesome having it with me ><
Lastly, I wore two watches in school today :]
Things to do today :
1. Polish my boot
2. Polish the other boot
Saturday - Gb
Motivation to go to gb - Shopping at causeway with raina for steph's pressie after that! heehee
Today wasn't really awesome.
hmm... A1 for maths and geog! heehee
good start for checking of scripts:]
watched this movie in the chapel
was really tired, was having a headache
the summary amanda and i made up:
The girl went to south africa.
The girl became friends with wally
The girl helped wally find his parents
And it took 2hours -.-
@ 2:01 AM

I rather be a friendless loser then a bunch of friends who secretly hate me
I'm serious
or even dislike me
Sam Evans and Quinn Fabray!<3
9 more days of skool.
I can't wait for it to be over!!!
I don't care even if next year is as screwed
I just want a break from it
I want to go to a class where I got nobody:]
But xiaoming says that whatever class I go to, God has his purpose:]
Just watched glee season 2 ep 4
and gossip girl:)
urgh. I dread cca.
or more specifically,
MY CCA.____.
Therefore, I dread Saturday.
Yuck, saturdays...:[
accept me for who I am.
I ain't gonna change.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 @ 3:11 AM