Thursday, November 11, 2010 @ 7:39 PM
Goood Morning!!! Yesterday was quite awesome I guess. As in, hanging out with raina. I seem to prefer going out with only one person, instead of as a group. Okay, so what happened was that firstly, raina's phone's battery died in the morning. it freaked me out, because I didn't know what happened and she wasn't receiving my calls nor replying my messages. I was afraid I would get stood up in the end. The sun was freaking hot yesterday. I walked from my house to the bus stop, and I was sweating profusely. I don't care whether I used sweating instead of perspiring, because my point is that it sucked. Then, thank god raina replied my message. phew. so met her at teh mrt station at 1 and went to clarkequay. Had to 'transit" train and stuff. Bought 3 packets of stickys, then went to bugis. Window shopped, bought 3 pairs of earrings, raina hesitated and hesitated, and at last she decided to buy the elmo necklace and earring just before we left. sat down in the foodcourt, drank and raina taught me to fold straw hearts, but then I still do not know how to. heehee. went to kinokuniya, there were a few books I wanted to purchase. "Keeping Faith" by Jodi Picoult, alot of gossip girl books with those new book covers, which were taken from scenes in the show itself. And Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the purple one. haiz... no money. There was this zipper earring in Diva which I wanted alot!! But it comes in a set with this weird wobbly gangster like earring whcih obviously I wouldn't wear, and it would be a waste since each pair costs $3 and the total is $6. so yeah, didn't get it. around 5 went to northpoint library. yuck, not even a single jodi picoult book in there urgh. left at seven, sakae sushi dinner with family just two stories below, then went home to cut cake?? total fail. 5 year olf cousin threw tantrum cos her dad doesn't let her put the candles, then when everybody singing, she run up the stairs, then got this fly which died on top of the cake. HAHA. epic fail.Perfect
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 @ 8:53 PM

Learning to play Perfect by Hedley on the piano. Played abit yesterday with Nic. He play right hand, I play left, since left easier, just have to keep repeating. heehee... But really hard to coordinate both hands correctly:( Stephanie is back from Japan. heehee... Easy A tomorrow. Penn Badley is like one of the main actor. heehee. Stickys' with Raina afterwards. Halfway done with Literature homework:)
Saturday, November 6, 2010 @ 1:52 AM

Hello! I've been really bored for the past few days.
I hardly even bother to text anyone.
I somehow feel like the whole world's ignoring me.
but it is just me.
it's like... I haven't been communicating with anyone, other than raina.
me: I'm still obsessed with Nate Archibald[ Chace Crawford]
raina: Woohoo! Nate is hothothot.
At least I did do work together.
Completed heymath quiz.
Hope that when I buy my sec 2 books, none of it would be out of stock
cos quite a few of the holiday assignments,
need the use of the textbooks.
I doubt I'll be meeting up with pris and twins any time soon,
cos they are always having cca:(
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 @ 9:00 PM

Okaay... I've really been slacking like shit for the past 4 days. I completed season 1 of GossipGirl in three days. feel so awesome. But I decided to just watch the first and last episodes of Season 2 and 3 and just move on to Season 4 since it would take up alot of my time, and I've already got an idea of what occured during those two seasons. okaay, this is totally dumb. so uh... I miss Amanda's hubby man! and uhm... I realised the awesome thing about gb is that I only have to return to school for 3 days-training camp. yuck hate it to the cooooore. me hate camps, right raina? so yeah... korea in like dunno how many days... Priscilla! Sorry for not being able to attend SingOut! sorry!!!!!! Holiday assignments suck. Especially the literature and CHINESE one. I have to read another chinese storybook. and must do that recording thing. yuck. I've only completed like 3 homework out of the many many ones. haiz. No glee broadcasted yesterday in US, means no watching season 2 ep 6 yesterday due to the election day thingy, spoil my awesome mood:( Georgina Sparks gives me the creeps. I dunno whether it is because of her eyes, or is it her eye shadows but she freaks me out.
Monday, November 1, 2010 @ 10:38 PM